Monday, April 19, 2010

Spring Cleaning Part 1: Storing your winter purse

Now that spring is upon us, I love jumping on the national bandwagon of cleaning, organizing, and storing. So I thought I'd do a little series on how to get your act together! Here's tip 1:

Got a dark purse that is gonna be totally out of place on a sunny beach in Nantucket? Worse yet, is said purse is a slouchy bag? Well then, stashing it at the back of the closet will only make it lose its lovely shape. It'll have no hope of surviving till the next fall! Here's how to take care of your investment:

Gather your purse, and all your scarves, hats and mittens:

One by one, stuff as many scarves and mittens into the purse until it is full:
I really love stuffing gloves into my purse because they won't get lost that way!

Et voila! Your scarves, hats and gloves are safely tucked away, and your purse retains its lovely shape until the next October!

You can also take this a step further and insert a piece of cardboard at the very bottom of the bag. You can also throw in a small cedar ball in there to keep moths away.

Now was that easy or what? Best of all, this quick tip has relieved me of a purse. I guess I now have to go purse shopping! ;-)