Thursday, April 29, 2010

Flax Oil for Healthy Skin

No matter how many topical treatments we use, great skin starts from the inside. In the last month or so, I have been taking 2 tablespoons of Flaxeed Oil everyday, and it has helped my skin in many ways. 

I have been using Organic Flax Oil by Nature's Bounty (BOGO-Free deal at Walgreens!). When buying flax oil, buy cold-pressed, organic, and a bottle that is opaque, not see-through. 

Even my husband has noticed that I am looking like I have a brighter complexion. Being an Indian, I tend to have an "ashy" undertone, so this has helped me look a little lighter and brighter. 

Besides my vain reasons for looking bright and pretty, flax oil is incredibly good for your health. 

Flax contains omega 3 fatty acids which are important for many things:

1. Flax oil can improve acne, psoriasis, rosacea and eczema. It's moisturizing properties can also improve the look of fine lines. You can also apply it topically to dry patches. It is known to be an anti-inflammatory and aids in wound healing (hence why its great for the acne-prone).

2. Flax oil may protect against UV light damage, which can ultimately help prevent skin cancer.

3. Flax oil also aids in digestion. I've always noticed that I break out big time if I am constipated, so staying regular is my #1 priority for acne-free skin, and overall wellbeing. 

4. Last but not least, flax oil can prevent cardiovascular problems because it can sort of dissolve the sticky fat lining your arteries. It also thins the sebum in your pores, and can prevent blemishes.

All in all, flax oil combats everything from cardiovascular disease, skin cancer, and even acne. I hope you guys think about trying this out. But as always with dietary supplements, please talk to your doctor before doing so!