
Decorating my house: Let's just say if this blog were about interior design, I'd have many hauls up this week! I recently bought a bookcase from IKEA so I can turn my basement into a library. I organized my books by color, which I highly recommend because it looks chic and scholarly at the same time! I also placed square wicker storage boxes into some of the cubbies to store DVDs. I also picked up this a gorgeous vase from Crate and Barrel. I love how the light catches it, and it looks good on every surface! I want like 3 of them!
Gaining holiday weight: Honestly, I don't even want to jump on the scale. The mirror and my ill-fitting jeans are proof enough that I need to stop eating crap food. Which is why I'm going vegan for the next month. I hope to detox my body of all the crap I've been putting into it. After about a month, I'm going to regroup and probably stop being vegan, but continue to be a very disciplined eater. I don't want to put a label on myself, just want to start eating fresh, smaller portions, filled with food that is in-season and preferably local.
Being glued to the tube: Just because its cold outside, I've been lazily lounging on my sofa for way too long. My hubby and I are considering cutting off cable so that when we turn on the TV, we will have to select something to watch (like a movie), and once its over, we turn it off. No more mindless watching of people with messy homes!
Waking up late: When I wake up late, it feels like my whole day is already wasted. I want to start waking up at 7 AM every day. Which brings me to my 3 resolutions this year:
1. Watch what you eat and exercise. No need to go crazy and get a six pack in 3 months. This resolution is meant to build a lifestyle of activity and health that will be a good foundation for when I start a family. I'm aiming for a mostly vegetarian, seasonal diet, and working out at least 3x a week.
2. Stop watching so much TV.
3. Wake up at 7 AM. Even if I have nothing to wake up for, just wake up. Its the right thing to do!
I'd love to know your ins and outs, so please feel free to put 'em in the comments, or blog about them and let me know!